Monday, March 21, 2011

Whats Next

The day after Luke was born we were told that he would need a shunt placement.  He was born with 33mm Hydrocephalus (Fluid in the Brain).  The VP Shunt would Circulate the fluid from his brain to his stomach and pretty much recycle it.  That would be placed in the following Monday.  He was just starting the tube feeding with breast milk which he was able to hold down right away.  Luke was tube fed for the first week then started taking a bottle and breast.  He had a wonderful appetite and was recovering great from his first surgery.  All during this first week it was just test after test, of bladder, kidneys, bowels, brain, and blood.  All we could do was just sit and pray that he would be strong and make it through.  I remember seeing him on all his pain medications and he just looked so out of it.  He wouldn't cry, or move.  All he would do was sleep. He was on the heavy stuff for about 3 days then they were able to take him off.  The third day he moved his toes, the fourth his foot, and the fifth day his leg.  My son proved the doctor wrong so far.  On the 4th day they allowed us to hold him and change him.  I was constantly going to the NICU from my room just to be with him and pray for him.  That Friday they let me go home and my husband, and mom kept taking turns coming back to be with him.  When Monday came around he had his shunt placement.  Instead of it being the first neurosurgeon it was a partner.  I asked him what he thought about Luke being able to walk in the future and instead of all the negative he told me, "Leave it in Gods hands." 

That same day all he did was sleep.  The second day he was like a different baby.  He had more control over his eyes, and seemed more alert.  The technology they have now these day is just remarkable.  During this week they decided to cath him because his bladder was retaining urine.  I remember being so nervous about doing this and asking my mom to do it for me.  But she wouldn't let me off easy.  She told me that me and my husband are his parents and we have to learn how to do it.  My husband was to nervous so I took on the responsibility.  The first time I did it I was so scared of hurting him that I stuck it in than stepped away and had the nurse finish it.  The next time I did it on my own but kept asking if I did it right.  The third time I was able to do it without hesitation and was so proud of myself, but guess what?  That time I finally got comfortable doing it, they said he wasn't going to need it because his bladder started releasing the urine.  I was so relieved.  That Thursday we were told that he would be up for another surgery on Monday to check if the wound vac was doing its job and if the cells were catching.  I was so depressed, every time he recovers he had to go back under.  It was very stressful and overwhelming.  I couldn't handle all this but I had no choice, I just wanted Luke okay and in my arms.  My next post will be about his following two surgeries and his release home.

PS. He extended his legs today when his dad was holding him with alot of force.  That was the first time he has ever done that. :) GOOD NEWS!

1 comment:

  1. Awwh that's awesome Jen he will continue too defy all odds :) he's a lil blessing
